My deepest passion and purpose in this world is to work with embodied movement as a tool to liberate and empower the potential within each of us.

I work with individuals and groups, creating space for the unique wisdom of the body to facilitate
Deep Transformation
I believe that the process of reconnecting to our inner truth is a key piece in any healing journey, allowing us to show up more fully in our experiences, connecting us to ourselves, others, and the earth in profound ways.
I am also a professional performing artist, working with the intersection of authentic, body based emotional expression and the ritual of telling stories and sharing mythos. I have performed at events and festivals across the USA and in multiple countries.
At the foundation of my performance art lives a deep obsession with exploring movement arts, utilizing a number of different disciplines and practices, including somatics, dance, circus arts, pilates, and the kind of movement exploration that falls outside of any traditional boxes. I’m particularly inspired by what the body is capable of doing, feeling, and saying.

When I started my journey, being a dancer was a far off childhood dream that I had all but given up on. Instead, I grew up as a competitive Crossfit and powerlifting athlete, and received my bachelors in Exercise Science and Wellness.
I taught myself to dance from the ground up when I was 18, through exploration, personal research, and many, many hours feeling silly in my living room.

Before I started dancing, I was strong. I had a lot of body awareness. But the awareness was built on a foundation of pushing past my limits, tuning out the suffering, and continuing to fight when every cell in my body was asking me to stop.
Paired with unprocessed trauma, the pressures of being a college student, and the inherent level of discomfort that comes from existing in modern day America, I was strong. But I was also doing whatever it took to dissociate from my internal experience.

My limiting beliefs and suppressed emotions ran my life, I spent my free time chasing out of body experiences with parties and substances, and I leaned heavily on unhealthy relationships (with food, netflix, and other humans) to fill the gap of being unable to sit with myself.
As I began to uncover my voice in intuitive movement, I also uncovered the ancient power of movement as medicine. I found, through trial and error, tools, structures, approaches, and guiding principles that allowed me to grow as a movement artist without technique, choreography, or a specific style or skills.